Can you feel the living spirit deliciously moving inside you?

Nourishing your creative impulses? That is what I dream to ignite within as many people as possible through my art!

My dream is that everyone unveils its authentic colors to connect to life’s ecstasy. Feels alive and eager to create the garden of Eden. Embraces its unique genius. Plays in harmony with everyone else. Liberates from competitive mindset or lack of self worth. Finds true freedom within. Trusting everything and everyone is needed.

Could nature self organise and be inherently generous if we only dared to discover our authentic self and let go of control? What if the characteristics we incarnated with were here for a reason? What if even our shadows were here for a reason?  To be understood compassionately instead of ignored and shamed? What if they were the gateway to our most brilliant gifts?

Too often we fear and hide our difference. We want to be included and loved of course. But what if we would be included to an even larger family should we dare showing our true colors? Being authentic implies a discipline of connecting deep within, into our heart, and learn to love ourself (and the other) unconditionally. If we let our heart work alongside our brain, I believe there is nothing we will feel inspired to do that won’t contribute to a higher harmony for all. So there should be nothing to fear and everything to look forward to. It implies embracing our totality, life paradoxes, becoming compassionate. Could the heart be a portal helping to “know” interconnection intuitively? Awakening to the inner sense of oneness? A portal to find peace within and in the world as a whole?

When I paint, I allow the universe to create with me, I let its blissful energies deeply flow within my whole being. I convey them on canvas, through my hands. I trust there is a higher harmony in the natural flow. It is a real discipline of allowing, trusting, letting go of control. I accept the polarities within my authentic self. Indeed a painting can be electric one moment (such as my Vibrant style) and deeply introspective another (the styles I call Deep and Doodle). One painting can be beyond words, a total abstraction, while another will be filled with channeled messages. Every artwork I create is an inspired action, rooted in a feeling of enlightenment. Pure love blissfully felt deep within combined with a profound urge to express it and share it. In deep ecstatic focus, I express spirit in matter / energy in painting.

By touching at least some people deep inside through my art, I hope I can awaken a spark of life within, open a connection to the wonderful realms of the heart that I believe is the way towards an expansive evolution. Towards unity. I hope my art can ignite in others an eagerness to uncover the authentic self. Unveil the creative spirit within. To feel the healing blissful powers of Love. To naturally serve a higher harmony for all by embracing authenticity, hence live at a higher octave of the self. If everything is inter-related, a personal breakthrough is a cosmic breakthrough!


Enough words! Now (hopefully) ENJOY the colors, dance the movements and feel what their vibrations are communicating to YOU! You will probably all get a different impression. Yet all are correct. I believe the message will be the one you need in every now moment and will evolve through time. Offering a colorful doorway to your intuitive self!

PS: I hate categorising as I believe we are unlimited. But as people ask for logic and like to intellectualise (and I like to please and make the impossible possible ;-))... as you can read above, I tried to put words on the different ways the universal energies express themselves through me: Vibrant, Deep, Doodle, etc...

"The right stroke, the right movement, the right touch happens by itself, effortlessly, without any interference of the conscious will" 

Olivia de Posson


New Balance - A Vision Board for Unity